The city of the future is defined as a decarbonized, intelligent, resilient and humane city. The building is the essential “brick” for building the city.

The “city of the future” and the “building of the future” are often associated with the concepts of the “intelligent city” and the “intelligent building” respectively.

The intelligent city

We are interested here in the intelligent city: a city, centred on the needs and comforts of users, communicating in an environmentally friendly way, which exploits NICT (New Information and Communication Technologies) and innovation to enable optimised management of natural resources and a reduction in the ecological footprint.

To achieve this, it is implementing various technological means, such as the development of digital technology at the heart of urban services, the smart grid, intelligent and communicating electrical distribution network, intelligent and clean transport systems.

A smart building

A smart building is a user-centric, environmentally virtuous AND user-centric building that uses ICT (and associated information flows) to control and optimise its energy needs. In order to achieve this, several solutions must be mobilized at the same time:

  • Taking into account the rules of bioclimatic and thermal design;

  • implementation of high-performance systems in terms of materials and equipment for better comfort and health (home automation/immotics, etc.);

  • adoption of new generation techniques (renewable energies, etc.) and energy storage (electric cars, etc.).

The perimeter of this field is initially centred on the scale of the structure, but it can be extended to the urban scale (island, eco-neighbourhood, etc.).


In LINEACT CESI, this domain covers the following fields:

  • Improving the performance of structures and project management, in particular through the use of new digital tools such as BIM, PLM, etc.

  • The improvement of the energy and sanitary performances of buildings studied from the point of view of their uses, their interior, envelope and the impact of their equipment and NICTs (intelligent environment…) in the reduction and optimization of their performances;

  • The uses and behaviour of building users;

  • Training, skills development and new jobs.